introduction.. Ü

Writing for me is a way to express yourself. Because of writing you will be able to make inspiring words that can be written in poems. Stories that will grasp the heart of others. Essays that will improve your skills.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cause and Effect Essay : Water Pollution

Hydrogen, most commonly known as water, is one of the important elements in this world. We use it in our daily lives. No one can survive without water. Not only do people need water but also plants and animals. Every year, 14 billion pounds of sewage, sludge and garbage are dumped into the world's oceans. 19 trillion gallons of waste also enter the water annually. Knowing this, different effects have resulted from water pollution such as Marine Debris, nutrient pollution, mining and waterborne infectious diseases.

The first one is Marine Debris. It is basically trash in the ocean. This include escaped inland trash and garbage thrown overboard by ships like plastic bottles, cigarette, butts, Styrofoams and the like. Because of this, marine animals can swallow trash items, which often look similar to prey, that they would normally eat. For instance, sea turtles will eat plastic bag believing it to be a jelly fish. The bag can cause an intestinal blockage and sometimes death.

Another effect is nutrient pollution. This is the most widespread, chronic environmental problem in the coastal ocean. Nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and others that came from agriculture, waste disposal, coastal development and fossil fuel stimulate harmful algae once they reach the coastal zone, having toxic effects and resulting on low-oxygen conditions.

Mining is also an effect of water pollution. A number of negative effects from mining operations occur like acid mine drainage. This happens when a surface of water flows over exposed rock and soil. It can combine to form sulfuric acid, then finds its way to streams, polluting them and destroying local aquatic life. Other examples are spills and leaks. Whether in a containment system of cyanide leach heap or in a coal-slurry impoundment dam, the result is the same - pollution of streams, rivers and ground water, killing aquatic life and poisoning drinking water.

The last effect is waterborne infectious diseases. This occurs when parasites or other disease-causing microorganisms are transmitted via contaminated water. These include typhoid, intestinal parasites and diarrhea disease caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses.

These are just some of the effects of water pollution and many could still come in the future if we don't take care of our water. We should be sensitive about the things around us and we should discipline ourselves. Instead of relying on the people in the government, we can help in our own little ways. As the world undergoes industrialization, the problem of water pollution has intensified. It is hard to know now what our oceans will look like in the future.

The effects of water pollution. Retrieved May 12, 2006, from
Cause and Effect essay is very educational. It teaches the cause and effect of something and I think its very useful. Doing this kind of essay gives additional knowledge to the readers and even the writer. Though most of my entries are from the reference, I still manage to make it as an essay.

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