introduction.. Ü

Writing for me is a way to express yourself. Because of writing you will be able to make inspiring words that can be written in poems. Stories that will grasp the heart of others. Essays that will improve your skills.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Definition Essay : Love, Loved

"Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you, and I still can't believe that you came up to me and say I love you, I love you too"

These are lyrics from Selena's song "Dreaming of you". It is meant for her husband. Because of love, you can create wonderful music that would last for a lifetime. For me, I defined love a long time ago as a bomb that could explode any second. But after I stopped and thought of it, I have proven myself wrong. Love is like a book. You should learn and understand it. Then as you go along the way, you'll learn different lessons in life.

I really think there are no different kinds of love between family. friends and your special someone, because loving is caring. You shouldn't be afraid to show what you really feel. If someone that you love got hurt, you'll be there for them to comfort. You must let them feel that you are always there. There are a lot of famous love quotations from well-known people. Albert Einstein once said, "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love". Knowing this, even scientist can define love. Mother Theresa said that "the hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread". And lastly, from William Shakespeare's, Mid-Summer Night's Dream, "love looks not with the eyes but with the mind and therefore, is winged cupid painted blind". These quotations proved that love is a big influence to people. They are saying that love cannot be explained scientifically, that every person is in search for love and when loving someone, what you think is more important that what you see. Even by just thinking of the person you love, you are able to create lines that will touch other people's heart. There are also songs that talk about love, may it be in a genre of rock or alternative. Also, during the Romantic Period, classical music had been used as a means to love. Famous composers emerged like Chopin, Beethoven and Pachelbel who used music as a way to express their feelings and desire for love.

Love is the greatest thing of all. It is the reason why God created us. Love for music is the main reason for creating beautiful songs nowadays. Love for our country is the reason behind Jose Rizal's death. These are just a few things about love. In my opinion, a person will know if he/she loves someone by realizing that he/she is thinking about the person every time. Tears will run down if he/she hurts you. When you love someone,you'll do everything to be with him/her, while when you like someone you'll go with that person if he/she invites you.
Honestly, I can say this essay is really long and I think some of the entries doesn't count in the topic and not in the right place. It's like I jump in one definition to another. Especially in the conclusion part were I just inserted my opinion in knowing if he/she is in love.
In this essay, not only definitions of others but I have also the chance to tell my own definition about love based on my own experiences.

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